If you had like to talk to professionals in the Measurement, Instrumentation and Data Science sectors, come along to FORUMESURE 2025. Take part in the many free-access events (Demonstrations, Workshops, Conferences, Round Tables, Project Development). FORUMESURE 2025 is organised in parallel with the 10th International Metrology Conference in Tunis, Tunisia, organised by CAFMET.


If you are a manufacturer, supplier of measurement equipment, software producer, certifier or expert, come and exhibit your innovations, showcase your work and present your products and services at the FORUMESURE 2025 International Exhibition. Discover the first 2025 exhibitors to have reserved their stands.

Forumesure is ...

In conjunction with CAFMET for the 10th International Metrology Conference

This unique event is a crossroads for exchanging and sharing information, ideas and experience, with conferences, technical workshops, round tables and exhibition stands.